Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Don't be Afraid to Share

Have you ever wanted to open up or share something with someone, but you were scared? Your heart told you to, but your mind said don't?

Perhaps your thoughts sounded like this...

"I can't share this! It's too personal!"  "What will they think of me?" "I am the only one who is going through this!"  "This is embarrassing."

I am here to let you know honey, that is the trick of the enemy. The enemy wants to condemn us.  We are people and we are meant to connect and share our thoughts and experiences.  Your testimony may be what delivers you and someone else.  Now clearly that does not mean you need to share EVERYTHING with EVERYBODY. As you become closer to God, the holy spirit will nudge you when it is appropriate to share your testimony or release something.  The holy spirit may even nudge you to go public with your testimony.

The holy spirit nudged me once to share something with someone. This person is someone I only knew for a few months, but I was obedient and shared what was on my heart....well guess what? That person had the SAME testimony. I didn't feel so alone, I felt like I could manage!

However, I will say that as a woman, I realize, that many of us don't share because we don't trust! We are surrounded by catty, vindictive, petty perceptions and images of women. We may even know women like this. It might be you!

You may even be scared your friends are going to judge you.  Honey, you may need some new friends. Maybe you are the listener. Maybe someone has shared something with you that is a bit uncomfortable....try not to judge. Don't be the person that balls their face up, and asks a bunch of weird questions to make that person even more uncomfortable.

Luke 8:39
"Go back home and tell everyone
how much God has done for you."
The man then went all over town,
telling everything that Jesus had done for him.

Let the spirit lead you.....


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